
2013/10/31 13:45:52 来源: 网络



  1.Speech act theory, proposed by J. Austin and J. Searle, is an important theory in the pragmatic study of language. It aims to answer the question “what do we do when using language?” Typical utterances are: “I name this ship Elizabeth.” It is used to perform the act of naming. Austin made a distinction between what he called “constratives” and “performatives”Constatives were statements that either state or describe, and were thus verifiable; performatives, on the other hand, were sentences that didn't state a fact or describe a state, and were not verifiable.

  2.If segments appear in the same position but the mutual substitution does not result in change of meaning, they are said to be in free variation.

  3. Regional dialect is a speech variety which is spoken by the people of a particular geographical area with a speech community

  4. As an intersection of psychology and linguistics, psycholinguistics is the study of language in relation to the mind, focusing upon, among other areas, the processes of language production, comprehension and acquisition, language thought, language and memory, etc.

  5. In general, language acquisition is children's development of their mother tongue, and to some people, the development of a second or foreign language.


  FFTFF           FFFTF


  1.sounds, 2. abstract, actual 3. Phonetics  4. voicelelss 5. rules

  6. stem   7. simple, coordinate, compound, complex

  8. Context  9. vocabulary  10. borrowing, word formation

  4. BDAAA         BCBDA


  1. (1) it violates the maxim of relation, it implies that B will not go to the party

  (2) it violates the maxim of relation, it implies that B don't want to gossip about the hostess.

  2. Both phonetics and phonology are studies of speech sounds, but they differ in their approach and focus. Phonetics is of a general nature; it is interested in all the speech sounds used in all human languages. Phonology, on the other hand, is interested in the system of sounds of particular language; it aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication. Thus these two are at once related and distinct branches of linguistic studies.

  But from phonological point of view, these tow sounds are fundamentally the same , since they have one and the same function in communication, in distinguishing between words and meaning despite their difference in pronunciation.



  1. If the candidates of a party for “electors” in a given state receive a majority of the total vote, then the party is entitled to have all the electoral votes for that state, even though a presidential candidate receives only slightly more than electoral votes of that state. This system is known as the “winner-take-all” principle.

  2. Nationalization is act of taking assets into state ownership, usually it refers to private assets being nationalized, but sometimes it may be assets owned by other levels of government.

  3. Development areas are areas which suffered industrial decline and unemployment and where the government actually encouraged great industrial diversity in the UK, but in China they mean the areas which have been set aside for the development of specialized products the areas can produce and earn profits from because of favored policies and special offers from the government.

  4. Horticulture is the art and science of growing flowers, fruits and vegetable. In the UK, much land is devoted to professional horticulture and vegetables account for three quarters of the produce because of the mild climate and light fertile soil.


  1。Corn is used as forage for pigs, cows etc. Because Americans likes to eat beef and pork, so many pigs and cows have to be fed.

  2。The technology of atomic energy, computers and space.



  两年前,这件事情更像是锁链。当小牛队早在1999年要挑选他们的明星时,王所在部队的头头们非常恼火。尼尔森仍记得与当时(小牛队)的拥有人罗斯·小皮劳特--那个行为古怪的亿万富翁的儿子--一块飞往北京,同面孔古板的人民解放军干部敲定一项交易的情景。“你能听见他们所想的:‘这个NBA球队在干什么,想对我们的财产提出要求吗?’” 尼尔森回忆道。“我们试图解释这对王和中国都是一件光荣的事。”交易没达成。王变得十分沮丧,失去了场上锋芒。


  AIDS is a life-threatening sickness that arracks the body's natural defense system against disease. It can destroy the body's ability to protect itself.

  AIDS itself does not kill. But because the body's defense system is damaged, the patient has little ability to fight off many other diseases, such as pneumonia, cancer, blindness and mental disorders.

  The AIDS virus is carried in a person's body fluids. The virus can be passed sexually or by sharing instruments used to take intravenous drugs. It also can be passed in blood products or from a pregnant woman with AIDS to her developing baby.

  Many stories about the spread of AIDS are false. You cannot get AIDS by working or attending school with someone who has the disease. You cannot get it by touching drinking glasses or other objects used by such persons. Experts say no one has gotten AIDS by living with, caring for or touching an AIDS patient.


